Read all your favorite book genres from action and adventure, classics, comic books or graphic novels, detective and mystery, fantasy, historical fiction, horror, literary fiction, science fiction, short stories, thrillers and suspense, biographies and autobiographies, cookbooks, essays, history, memoirs, poetry, true crime, romance and religious books.literary fiction, science fiction (sci-fi), short stories, thrillers and suspense, biographies and autobiographies, cookbooks, essays, history, memoirs, poetry, true crime, romance and religious books.
More features:
- The ability to return to the place where you finished reading using the save reading progress function.
- Search books
- Turn pages with a swipe or a volume knob
- Never lose your place in the book.
- Landscape or portrait orientation can be locked
- Easy navigation within the book.
- Search for text within books.
- Night reading mode is pleasing to the eye
- TTS Reading
- Rename files, delete files, share files with your friends.
- Easy to use
- No internet required
Requirements (Latest version)
- Android 4.4 or higher required
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